July to September 2022
CONFLUENCE - "An act or process of merging, coming or flowing together.”
Mississauga Potters’ Guild Mentorship Group, led by Susan Low-Beer, is an aggregate group of ten experienced ceramic artists each with a distinctive voice and varying points of departure.
Interrupted in its beginnings by the pandemic, the group reconvened to bring to fruition the long process of exploration and experimentation which culminated in this exhibition. The Mentorship Exhibition was featured in the retail Gardiner Shop ( The Exhibition included an in-person artist talk with members Karla Rivera and Kim Ross in July, an online Artist Talk which took place in August followed by a closing Reception sponsored by Longos in September to celebrate the artists. Featuring the work of: Hana Balaban-Pommier, Gracia Isabel Gómez, Annika Hoefs, Maria-Teresa Hernandez, Mary Mckenzie, Karla Rivera, Kim Rose, Suzanne Thomson, Vanesa Trillia, and Natalie Waddell.